Archive 2011 - 2015
Summary of asteroidal occultations for 2015 - 31 December 2015
General overview of my observations of asteroid occultations in 2015.
Total Lunar Eclipse - 28 September 2015
After a long time there are some new astronomy pictures. These ones are from total lunar eclipse. I was not alone. There was a strange night cyclist there. Imagine - nature, far away from town, at lonely place and suddenly appeared a human with bicycle without a torch.
The occultation of a star by asteroid Bianca (218) - 09 September 2015
more...Partial Solar Eclipse - 20 March 2015
more...Mutual events of Jupiter moons - 20 February 2015
I think you know four big Jupiter moons. But do you know that the season of observing their mutual events is right now? Not? So continue and read more about it...
Jupiter moons: Ganymede occults Io - 16 February 2015
more...Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) - 13 January 2015
There a quite bright comet in the sky. After a long pause I took a new astronomical picture. My new mount is finally able to guide without problems.